Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This is all new to me

Ok so I'm not your typical Blogger so the reason for me making this to help myself track myself during my fight to stop being obese.

Anyway My name is Terry I'm 24 years old, I live in Philadelphia Pa. and I'm obese and tired of being your typical jolly fat guy because well it's depressing and I'm really not that happy at all. Your clothes never fit right, you tend to sweat alot for the fact of how much weight your carry with yourself, have a hard time doing simple things such as tying your shoe laces, which by the way i hate to share that because it is really really embarrassing.

But the Reason i started this to have somewhere to write about my progress with working on losing weight. I found my inspiration from a guy named Ben Davis here is a link to his Blog http://bendoeslife.tumblr.com/. This guy who is the same age as myself had the drive to absolutely change himself for the better and after reading all 200+ pages of his Blog and watching his youtube videos of his progress I decided it's time i took charge of obesity problem also.

Now the funny thing is I'm like a half active obese guy lol. I've rode two 75 mile bike events called the City to the Shore Its a bike ride from pretty much coast to coast of south jersey. My first year I did with my friend Jeff and we finished in just under 6 hours! Man was I so pumped about that but I also rode a crap ton before the ride, but I got lazy after it. This year I rode with 7 others and was so pumped but didn't train well at all and ended up paying for it. I ended up having something happen where I was dragging the back brake on my bike (no clue how it happened) this killed me, I used so much energy I didn't need to use. i think it took almost 8 hours to finish. EEK!

With that being said I was always a chubby kid but was very active when I was young. But since I haven't been active I've used that as an excuse. "I've always been big i just need to lose a little bit of weight and I'll be fine" WRONG. I may have wide shoulders and be able to "hide" my weight but I'm still obese. Right now I don't have a good working scale so I'm guessing my weight is somewhere between 310-320 pounds. That is just insane and super unhealthy and I need to change. I aims for some where in the 220-230 pound range, I dont see myself 200 or under lol.

So Starting December 1st I embark on my journey to lose this horrible weight! The next 2 weeks I'm using to get my diet in check get a good scale and get a good cardio and moderate weight training workout in order. Lucky for me I have some awesome friends who love to workout and run like crazy! So it's getting late and it's just about my bed time lol.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Best of luck T-Funk

    you can do it man, best advice i can give you

    is to limit calories, its the number one factor

    in losing weight. Set a daily calorie limit and

    stick to it, I have lost 30 lbs since my playing

    days at osu and the only thing ive done is not

    eat as much and restrict myself to 1500 calories

    text or call if you need any help.

